My name is Gill, and I created this platform to process my thoughts about disability, labels, and stigmas and how they impact sexuality, relationships, and my life in general. People have been telling me to write a book for years, but I figured I’d do something a little more interactive with the potential to reach people in different ways.

I’ve always hated being known as the “girl in the wheelchair” or being complimented only to have “for a person in a wheelchair” tacked on at the end. For example, “You’re pretty for a person in a wheelchair!” I’ve always hated being labelled only as one thing because that one thing seems to get in the way of others seeing anything else. So many things shape us - there isn’t one aspect that’s more important, better or worse.

Being disabled doesn’t define me, but it does influence how I perceive things and interact with the world around me. The same is true for someone who needs to wear glasses; it doesn’t define them, but it does influence how they perceive things and interact with the world around them. 

Obviously, these are two very different scenarios, and there cannot be a perfect comparison. Still, it does make me wonder why my disability makes me seem incomplete and broken by the majority of society when other differences are simply accepted as just that - differences. 

I am not anything despite my disability because being disabled is a huge part of my human experience - much like glasses are to those who need them.

It’s not Spastic but Fantastic, It’s Spastic & Fantastic. 

Glad you’re here!